The 10th inter Ministerial Conference WTO is the first to be hosted in Africa since it stated 20 years ago in 1995. What are the main concerns of WTO Meeting in Nairobi. Over 100 trade ministers will be attending WTO meeting in Nairobi to discuss negotiate on trade for their membership country. This is the first event to be held in Africa and is a major event in the diary of Nairobi. Some streets such as Harambee street and adjacent streets have already been sealed off to control traffic flow and to reinforce security during the meeting.
This sets up grounds for all WTO reach a consensus through round of negotiations.
This is achieved through WTO councils and committees that seek to harmonize WTO agreements through proper implementation. An periodic evaluation of the way trade policies and practices are implemented is also scrutinized.
Under the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, the WTO members have a body that settles trade disputes if a members rights under trade agreements are interfered with.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global organization that deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. WTO helps developing countries to build trade capacities and have a longer period to implement trade agreements. Training courses are organized each year for officials from developing countries.
The 10th Ministerial conference is taking place in Nairobi and many developing nations will be attempting to negotiate on subsidies from developed countries. The meeting will be taking place from Tuesday December 15, 2015 to Friday December 18, 2015. A huge delegate has started attending the meeting and many will be following up on the outcome of the meeting. Liberia President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is in Kenya and following up with the event taking place in Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi Kenya.
Source Story: Broad Notes
Source Author: Broad Notes Team
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