Just a day after US elections, protests are now sweeping across US against Donald Trumps election.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is making effort to remind Americans of Abraham Lincoln aspirations for a united America.
For Donald Trump media center, Social media pages such as Donald Trump official Twitter page already withdrew a banner expressing policy view over Muslims entering US. Its time for reality in understanding the real policy that Donald Trump support now that elections are over.
Hilary Clinton lost the elections for not coming out clearly in stating her policy according to analysts while Trump policy was much clearer. Now that US has elected a new president, its time for healing.
Media poll surveys put Clinton on the lead before election but lost to Trump which has surprised Clinton s supporters and the rest of the world.
Donald Trump is expected to meet with outgoing President Obama in white house for briefs today.
Evangelical churches and Catholics are perceived to have voted for Republican candidate Donald Trump in what they perceived as being left behind by Democrats.
Continue reading Broad Notes news for latest on State of the US in the 2016 post-election time.
Source Story: Broad Notes, Image Courtesy of Donald Trump official Twitter page
Source Author: Broad Notes Team
Reference Web Link: https://www.broadnotes.com/news